6.1 Driver Shim Errors

The following table identifies errors that might occur in the core driver shim. Error messages that contain a numerical code can have various messages depending on the application or Web service.

Error Message



307 Temporary Redirect


The Subscriber channel attempted to send data to the application or Web service but received a 307 Temporary Redirect response.

The Subscriber waits for a period of time (usually 30 seconds) and tries again.

408 Request Timeout


The Subscriber channel attempted to send data to the application or Web service but received a 408 Request Timeout response.

The Subscriber waits for a period of time (usually 30 seconds) and tries again.

503 Service Unavailable


The Subscriber channel attempted to send data to the application or Web service but received a 503 Service Unavailable response.

The Subscriber waits for a period of time (usually 30 seconds) and tries again.

504 Gateway Timeout


The Subscriber channel attempted to send data to the application or Web service but received a 504 Gateway Timeout response.

The Subscriber waits for a period of time (usually 30 seconds) and tries again.

Various numeric error codes not listed above.


HTTP servers, such as those the Subscriber channel might be communicating with, return numeric values and a short descriptive message to indicate the status of the request.

Numbers in the range of 200-299 indicate success, so an error message isn’t generated.

Numbers listed above (307, 408, 503, and 504) indicate temporary conditions, so the request is retried.

Other numerical error codes result in an error message containing that code and the message provided by the HTTP server. In most cases, the driver continues to run, and the command that caused the error isn’t retried.

Problem communicating with HTTP server. Make sure server is running and accepting requests.


The Subscriber channel received an IOException while communicating or attempting to communicate with the HTTP server.

You might receive this error because the server is either not running, is overloaded, cannot be accessed because of firewall or other restrictions, or the URL provided in the subscriber configuration is not correct.

The command that caused this error is retried later.

The HTTP/SOAP driver doesn’t return any application schema by default.

If there is an application-specific schema you want the shim to report, you can write your own Java class that implements the SchemaReporter interface and then configure the driver to load your class as a Java extension.


The Metadirectory engine called the DriverShim.getSchema() method of the driver, and the driver has not been extended with a SchemaReporter customization.

The driver continues to run.

Subscriber.execute() was called but the Subscriber was not configured correctly. The command was ignored.

You should either configure the Subscriber or clear the Subscriber’s filter so it doesn’t receive commands.


The Subscriber channel of the driver isn’t initialized properly. The most likely cause is an improperly formatted driver configuration.

The driver continues to run but displays this message each time an event is received by the Subscriber channel.

pubHostPort must be in the form host:port


An error occurred with the Publisher channel configuration.

Review the Publisher channel parameters to verify that both a valid host and a valid port number are provided.



The URL supplied in the Subscriber channel parameters isn’t in a valid URL format.

Multiple Exceptions


This message appears in the trace when the HTTP listener fails to properly initialize. This can occur for a variety of reasons. Check your Publisher settings to make sure you have specified a port that is not already in use and that the other Publisher settings are correct.

HTTPS Hostname Wrong: Should Be . . .


This message appears when an SSL handshake fails on the Subscriber channel. It indicates that the subject presented with the server certificate doesn’t match the IP address or hostname given in the HTTPS URL.

Use a DNS hostname rather than an IP address in the URL.