This section provides details about the methods available with the Metrics web service.
All of the methods throw MetricsServiceException and RemoteException. To improve readability, the throws clause has been omitted from the method signatures.
This section provides reference information for each method available to team managers.
Syntax: Here’s the method signature:
double getClaimedFlowTimeCalendarDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime, String teamDN,Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getClaimedFlowTimeWorkingDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime,String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getToClaimFlowTimeCalendarDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime, String teamDN,Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getToClaimFlowTimeWorkingDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime,String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getClaimedInventory(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getClaimedThroughputCalendarDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime, String teamDN Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getClaimedThroughputWorkingDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startCompletionTime, Date endCompletionTime, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeamLongestRunning(String processId, String processVersion, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeamLongestClaimed(String processId, String processVersion, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeamFlowHistory(List requestIds)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeamHistoryForInitiators(String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeamHistoryForRecipients(String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getTeamRunningTime(String processId, String processVersion, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
int getTeamDecisionCount(String processId, String processVersion, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
int getTeamInitiatedCount(String processId, String processVersion, String teamDN, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
int getTeamRecipientCount(String processId, String processVersion, String teamDN, Map filters)
This section provides reference information for each method available to the Provisioning Application Administrator.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getActivityFlowTimeCalendarDays(String processId, String processVer, String activityId, Date startTime, Date completeTime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getActivityFlowTimeWorkingDays(String processId, String processVer, String activityId, Date startTime, Date completeTime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getActivityInventory(String processId, String processVersion, String activityId, Date startTime, Date completeTime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getActivityThroughputCalendarDays(String processId, String processVersion, String activityId, Date startTime, Date completiontime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getActivityThroughputWorkingDays(String processId, String processVersion, String activityId, Date startTime, Date completiontime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getInventory(String processId, String processVersion, Date startTime, Date completeTime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getLongestClaimed(String processId, String processVersion, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getLongestRunning(String processId, String processVersion, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
int getFlowCount(String processId, String processVersion, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getFlowHistory(List requestIds)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getFlowHistoryForInitiators(List initiators, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getFlowHistoryForRecipients(List recipients, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getRunningTime(String processId, String processVersion, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
double getThroughputCalendarDays(String processId, String processVersion, Date startTime, Date completiontime, Map filters)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getActivityThroughputWorkingDays(String processId, String processVersion, String activityId, Date startTime, Date completiontime, Map filters)
This section provides reference information for each utility method. Both team managers and administrators can call these methods.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
VersionVO getVersion()
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getAllProvisioningFlows()
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
BasicModelVO getUserActivityOnlyFlow(String processId, String processVer)
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeams()
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
MetricsResultset getTeamMembers(String teamDN)