The Role Mapping Administrator uses the Identity Vault to authenticate users. Access is restricted to Identity Vault users who are defined as Role Module Administrators or Role Managers in the Roles Based Provisioning Module application.
You can set up Role Mapping Administrator authentication through the following methods:
Direct login: The user provides credentials (username and password) on the Role Mapping Administrator login page.
Single sign-on through the Roles Based Provisioning Module: A Role Mapping Administrator link is added to the Roles Based Provisioning Module. When a user clicks the link, the Roles Based Provisioning Module passes the user’s credentials to the Role Mapping Administrator.
Single sign-on through Access Manager: Access Manager provides the user's credentials (username and password or SAML token) to the Role Mapping Administrator through Access Manager Identity Injection. The user is not prompted for any credential information.
For information on how to configure single sign-on, see Section 6.0, Configuring Authentication.