Installing the Active Directory Driver

Installing the Active Directory driver requires two general steps. First, the driver shim must be installed on the DirXML server, or on the Connected System Server, depending on where you would like to host the driver shim. Second, a driver configuration must be created using iManager.

How you install the driver depends on your installation scenario, specifically whether or not you are installing the driver shim on the same server as the DirXML engine. If the driver shim is on a Windows DirXML server, it can run natively. If it is on a different server, it must use the remote loader.

:  The location of your domain controller does not affect the driver installation, it affects the authentication mechanism you select to connect to Active Directory.

The following tables outline the installation procedure for each installation scenario discussed in Preparing Active Directory:

Scenario Installation Considerations

Single Server

Dual Servers - NsureTM Identity Manager and Driver on Same Machine

The driver shim and engine are on the same server. To install the driver, follow the instructions in Installing the Driver Shim on the Identity Manager Server.

Scenario Installation Considerations

Dual Servers - Identity Manager and Driver on Separate Machines

Triple Servers

The driver shim and engine are on separate servers. To install the driver, follow the instructions in Installing the Driver Shim to Use the Remote Loader.