Synchronizing User and Group Containers

You can specify the DN of the container whose new Users and Groups are to be synchronized with the application.

Refer Event Restrictions to set this parameter.

Synchronizing large number of users or groups from eDirectory to NIS databases takes a long time on the Subscriber channel.

Disabling the publisher channel helps in preventing loopback in the driver level during synchronization. In a normal scenario, the DirXML engine prevents loopback. But, this is done after receiving changes back from NIS. Removing the Matching Rule will increase the synchronization speed by disabling query for add operations.

To improve the synchronization speed:

  1. Disable the Publisher channel. If the ID generation is enabled, then Publisher channel should not be disabled.

  2. Detach the Matching Policy from the Account Restrictions policy on the Subscriber channel of the driver.

  3. Create indexes for uidNumber, gidNumber, and Group Membership on eDirectory.

    Synchronizing large number of users and groups will result in large number of searches in eDirectory. Indexing will improve the search operation in eDirectory. For more information, refer to the Novell eDirectory Administration Guide.