8.11 Reporting Conflicts for Attributes and ACL Permissions on Folders

You should use the merged view when setting attributes and ACL (access control list) permissions on folders in a Dynamic File Services pair. In a pair, an instance of each folder is stored in both the primary path and the secondary path as files are moved between the two paths.

For information about how metadata on the two folder instances can become out of synchronization, see Section 4.16, Duplicate Folders in a Standard Pair.

To identify conflicts for attributes and ACL settings on folders, you can run the DynamicFS Pair Check utility (DswPairCheck.exe) with the -folders option to detect the metadata differences between the two instances of a folder and report them. You must log in as a user with rights to all of the paths in the pair. For information, see Dynamic File Services Pair Check Utility in the Dynamic File Services 2.2 Client Commands and Utilities Reference.

The Pair Check utility is typically used for standard pairs to verify ACLs folders in the two paths. The Pair Check utility does not support being run on a retention pair that uses cloud storage as the secondary path. In the cloud, the ACLs metadata is stored in a database and not with the files.

  1. Log in to the DynamicFS server as a user with file system rights on the primary and secondary paths in the pair you want to manage.

    If remote shares are being used, ensure that you have sufficient access rights on the secondary locations.

  2. Open the Management Console, select the pair, then verify that the pair status is in the Idle state.

    Policies must not be running against the pair when you start the Pair Check utility. If policies are running, wait until they are done, or stop them manually. Wait until the pair status is idle before continuing.

  3. Open an Administrator Command Prompt console. Select Start > All Programs > Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, then select Run as Administrator.

  4. Change directory to go to the C:\Program Files\Dynamic File Services folder (or the folder where you installed Dynamic File Services).

  5. At the command prompt, enter:

    DswPairCheck.exe -pair="<pairname | guid>" -folders [-xml="reportname"] [‑csv="reportname"]

    For example, to identify mismatches for the attributes and ACLs for the folders in a pair named MyPair and to create an output report named myXmlReport in XML format, enter the following command:

    DswPairCheck.exe -pair="MyPair" -folders -xml="myXmlReport"

    This command looks in the pair database for the source and target paths of the pair named MyPair. It checks for folders that have mismatched attributes and ACLs on the source and target paths. It produces a report in XML format in the myXmlReport.folders.xml file.

  6. When you are prompted, enter the user name of a user with rights to all of the paths in the pair.