7.0 Integrating OpenText Vibe with GroupWise Messenger

When you integrate GroupWise Messenger with your OpenText Vibe system, Vibe users can see GroupWise Messenger presence information directly from the Vibe interface.

To set up this integration, create a new user with limited rights. Then, make this user the new Allowed Service User who is responsible for displaying Messenger presence information in Vibe:

  • Create a new Messenger user and give this user a user name and password.

    For information about how to create a new Messenger user, see Adding Users to Your Messenger System.

  • In the GroupWise Admin console, navigate to Messenger > MessengerService > Settings > Service ACL, select Add, and then add the user you created in the previous step.

  • Add the user to the OpenText Vibe installation following the steps found in Configuring Presence in the OpenText Vibe 4.0.3 Installation Guide.