You can use the I5OSDRV menu to control and configure the driver shim.
To load the I5OSDRV menu, enter GO LibName/I5OSDRV on the command line. Substitute the name of the driver library that you specified during installation for LibName. If you installed the driver using the default library, use the following command:
The I5OSDRV menu contains several functions.
1. Start the I5OSDRV Driver Shim 2. Stop the I5OSDRV Driver Shim 3. Modify the I5OSDRV configuration file 4. Secure the I5OSDRV using SSL and trusted certificates 5. Set the remote loader and driver object passwords 6. Uninstall the I5OSDRV Driver Shim
Enter the number of the function you want to perform, then respond to the prompts.