Use the following list to plan how you want to implement the WorkOrder driver.
Specify or create containers to hold the new objects used by the WorkOrder driver. Driver configuration requires that container objects be provided for the creation and processing of DirXML-WorkOrder objects, as well as the creation of DirXML-WorkToDo objects that are generated to process DirXML-WorkOrder objects.
Which container do you want to use for DirXML-WorkOrder objects?
Which container do you want to use for DirXML-WorkToDo objects?
Figure 2-1 Example of Containers for New Objects
NOTE:You should restrict rights to these containers so that only authorized administrators can change the containers or the objects they hold.
Identify when you want the driver to poll for work orders that are due. You can control the timing by using the polling interval, time or day, or both.
To learn how to configure the polling time, see Section 6.5, Configuration Information.