9.1 Running Vertica Upgrade Tool

Before you start running the Vertica Upgrade tool, you should accomplish the prerequisites. Also, you need to perform few steps while preparing for the upgrade process. Once you complete these steps, then you can run the Vertica Upgrade tool.

9.1.1 Prerequisites

Before you run the Vertica Upgrade tool on a single-node or multiple-node cluster, ensure you go through the following prerequisites:

  • The node on which you run the Vertica Upgrade tool should have minimum 10 GB free space. This 10 GB free space is required for /vastorage disk partition.

    For more information on the system requirements for Vertica, see Vertica System Requirements

  • Get the dbadmin password from the Vertica database superuser details. This dbadmin password is required to start the Vertica cluster. To get the dbadmin password, run the following command:

    zman server-role-vertica-get-credentials (zman srvgc)

NOTE:If you have to run the Vertica Upgrade tool on ZENworks 2020 Update 3, then ensure that you have installed FTF-960 or later version. For more information, see Official 960 FTF for ZENworks 2020 Update 3.

9.1.2 Preparing for Vertica Upgrade

Perform the following steps before starting the Vertica database upgrade process:

  1. Stop all the Primary Server services in Vertica nodes, except the embedded PostgreSQL database services. Run the following command to stop the Primary Server services:

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

  2. Run the following command:

    /opt/novell/vertica/vertica-controller.sh stop-cluster

  3. Shut down all the Vertica appliances. For example, if there are three Vertica appliances, then you need to shut down all three Vertica appliances.

  4. Take VM snapshot for all the Vertica appliances.

  5. Start all Vertica appliances.

  6. Stop all ZENWorks Services on all the Primary Servers in the zone.

  7. Run the following command to start the Vertica cluster:

    su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/admintools --tool start_db --database=<DATABASE_NAME> --password=<PASSWORD> --force --noprompts"

    You can find the DATABASE_NAME in the zenvertica.xmlfile available at the path: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel/

Verify that the Vertica cluster status is up, before running the tool. To verify, navigate to ZCC and view the status in the Diagnostics page.

9.1.3 Run Vertica Upgrade Tool

NOTE:Ensure that all devices in the Vertica cluster are up and running.

To run the Vertica Upgrade tool, perform the following steps:

  1. Stop all the ZENworks services running on all Primary Servers. To stop the ZENworks services, run the following command:

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

  2. Download the vertica-upgrade-tool-23.3.0-1.zip file to a temporary folder.

  3. Extract the vertica-upgrade-tool-23.3.0-1.zip file using the following command:

    unzip -q vertica-upgrade-tool-23.3.0-1.zip

  4. Provide the execute permissions to the vertica-upgrade-tool.sh file using the following command:

    chmod 755 vertica-upgrade-tool.sh

  5. Start the Upgrade tool using the following command:


    This step might take some time.


    • If you run the Upgrade tool on a multiple node cluster, the tool will prompt for the root password of the other nodes in the cluster.

    • The upgrade progress will be displayed on the terminal.

  6. Once the Vertica upgrade is completed, start the ZENworks services on all the Primary Servers using the following command:

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

    NOTE:The Vertica database service starts automatically once the upgrade is complete.

NOTE:If you encounter any error while upgrading Vertica, collect the error log from the ZENworks log folder available at the following path:


Share the log with the Global Technical Support team.