Red Carpet Enterprise 2.0.x

  1. Become root using the su command.

  2. Stop your Web server to prevent requests during the upgrade process using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/httpd stop
  3. Stop your Red Carpet server using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/rcq-runner stop
  4. Complete the instructions in Installing and Configuring your ZENworks Linux Management Server to upgrade your server to version 6.6.2.

  5. Upgrade your ZENworks Linux Management database. If using the default PostgreSQL database, upgrade using the following command:


    If using Oracle, complete the instructions in Upgrading an Oracle Database.

  6. Upgrade your ZENworks Linux Management configuration files using the following command:

    rce-init -c
  7. After the upgrade is completed, start your ZENworks Linux Management server using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/rcq-runner restart
  8. Start your Web server using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/httpd start
  9. Refresh your ZENworks Linux Management meta files using the following command:

    rce-refresh -s -d

Your Red Carpet Enterprise server is now upgraded.