11.4 Installing admind on a Point of Service Terminal

The following sections outline how to add admind to scr and xscr client images.

11.4.1 Adding admind to scr Images

  1. Clone the Image Description Tree you want to use to build the image.

    For information on this procedure, see Section 8.4.1, Cloning the Image Description Tree.

  2. To start the xinetd service on the Point of Service terminal, add the following line to the config.system file in the Image Description Tree (/opt/SLES/POS/system/image_name-version/config.system):

    sbin/insserv /etc/init.d/xinetd
  3. Create the admind.conf file in the /opt/SLES/POS/system/image_name-version/files-user/ directory.

    mkdir -p files-user/etc/opt/SLES/POS
    vi files-user/etc/opt/SLES/POS/admind.conf
  4. Set the configuration parameters in the admind.conf file.

    1. Set the branch.local parameter to the fully qualified hostname of the Administration or Branch Server that you would like to run adminc on. This allows the terminals to trust the designated box. If you are running adminc from multiple stations, they must be included in this list. For example:

    2. Add all users with rights to execute commands on Point of Service terminals. For example:

    3. Add any additional commands you want to execute on the POS terminals. For example:

      X:0=/sbin/init 0
      X:3=/sbin/init 3
      X:5=/sbin/init 5
      X:6=/sbin/init 6
  5. Build the image with the --extend option to include the setup.admind file.

    NOTE:The setup.admind file is located in the /opt/SLES/POS/system/templates/addons/ directory. It references the RPMs required to add the admind utility to a standard client image.

    The basic syntax is as follows (type the command all on one line):

    scr --build --prepare --extend /opt/SLES/POS/system/templates/addons/setup.admind --image image_name-version --destdir destination_directory

    For more information on this procedure, see Section 8.4.2, Adding Software Packages or Add-on Options to an Image.

  6. Distribute the image to your Point of Service terminals.

    For information on this procedure, see Section 8.5, Distributing Images .

11.4.2 Adding admind to xscr Images

  1. Clone the Image Description Tree you want to use to build the image.

    For information on this procedure, see Section 9.4.1, Cloning the Image Description Tree.

  2. Add admind.xml to the IncludeSpecificationsList in the Image Specification Document (/opt/SLES/POS/system/image_name-version/ImageSpecification.xml):

    NOTE:The admind.xml Image Specification Document is located in the /opt/SLES/POS/system/templates/addons/ directory. It references the RPMs required to add the admind utility to a client image.

    The basic syntax is as follows:

       <IncludeSpecification URI="/opt/SLES/POS/system/templates

    For information on this procedure, see Adding Features to Client Images.

  3. To start the xinetd service on the Point of Service terminal, add the following line to the config.system file in the Image Description Tree (/opt/SLES/POS/system/image_name-version/config.system):

    sbin/insserv /etc/init.d/xinetd
  4. Create the admind.conf file in the /opt/SLES/POS/system/image_name-version/files-user/ directory.

    mkdir -p files-user/etc/opt/SLES/POS
    vi files-user/etc/opt/SLES/POS/admind.conf
  5. Set the configuration parameters in the admind.conf file.

    1. Set the branch.local parameter to the fully qualified hostname of the Administration or Branch Server that you would like to run adminc on. This allows the terminals to trust the designated box. If you are running adminc from multiple stations, they must be included in this list. For example:

    2. Add all users with rights to execute commands on Point of Service terminals. For example:

    3. Add any additional commands you want to execute on the POS terminals. For example:

      X:0=/sbin/init 0
      X:3=/sbin/init 3
      X:5=/sbin/init 5
      X:6=/sbin/init 6
  6. Build the image.

    The basic syntax is as follows:

    xscr --prepare --image image_name-version --build --destdir destination_directory

    For information on this procedure, see Section 9.4.4, Building the Image.

  7. Distribute the image to your Point of Service terminals.

    For information on this procedure, see Section 8.5, Distributing Images .