
WINSOCK2 Not Set Up Correctly on Windows 95 with Early Versions of DCOM'95

WINSOCK2 is not set up correctly if the client workstation has DCOM'95 installed and the version is not 812 or later. WS2Setup.exe closes but no feedback is given to the user about the problem.

The following is from the Microsoft Web page:



WS2SETUP.EXE will only install on machines that have DCOM'95 build 812 or higher, or no version of DCOM'95 at all. If a version of DCOM'95 prior to build 812 is detected, WS2SETUP.EXE will abort without installing Winsock2 for Windows 95 and an error message will be written to WS2SETUP.LOG. To obtain an updated version of DCOM'95, see:

http://www.microsoft.com/com/dcom95/download-f.htm for availability, download instructions and release notes.

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