Troubleshooting Orphaned Inhibit_Move Obituaries with iMonitor

  • 3908200
  • 13-Oct-2006
  • 22-Feb-2021





ERROR: "-637 Previous Move in Progress” when making any replica changes, or when trying to move, rename or delete objects in the tree.

Inhibit_Move TYPE 0003 obituary in the DSREPAIR.LOG after running External Reference check in DSREPAIR.


This TID must be followed only on explicit instructions from eDirectory Novell Technical Support Engineers or if understand the impact of the forcing obituary processing without letting DS or eDirectory to handle them through regular processes.

Stage 1 : Checking and Verifying that the obituary is actually orphaned.

  1. Moved – Inhibit Move obituaries are created when objects are moved from one context to another in the NDS tree. Moved Obituary is created at the source location and Inhibit Move obituary at the destination location.

  2. Verify before proceeding if the obituary is actually orphaned from the servers holding replicas of the parent / source container from where the object was moved.

  3. From the replica server run :

    DSREPAIR -A -> Advanced Options -> Check External References. This updates the information in the file SYS:SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.LOG (For NetWare)

  4. For each IM obituary that suspect to be orphaned, check in the above log, if there is an entry of the type Moved. . It will appear as shown below

  5. Found obituary for: EID: 00008B9D, DN: CN=< Object FQDN forwhich there is Type 3 Inhibit Move Obituary>

    -Value CTS : 2006-07-04 11:30:12 R = 0001 E = 0136

    -Value MTS = 2006-07-04 11:30:44 R = 0003 E = 0015, Type = 0002 Moved,

  6. If there is no such entry in any of the logs, then proceed to Stage 2 and use iMonitor to process these obituaries.

  7. Else please use normal Obituary troubleshooting processes to clean the obituaries as mentioned in

    1. TID 7001603 : Processing stuck obituaries in All DS versions found at

    2. TID 7011536 : Obituary Troubleshooting in eDirectory found at

Stage 2 : Cleaning Orphaned Inhibit Move Obituaries.

  1. Login to NDS iMonitor onto the Master replica holding server having the obituary. The link for iMonitor should be


  2. After login to iMonitor, the default page is shown.

  3. Click on the text NDS iMonitor that appears on the upper left corner of the page to see the About Page for iMonitor as shown below :

  4. Under NDS iMonitor Configuration section, click on the option button for Enabled and then click on Submit to enable Advanced options of iMonitor as shown above.

  5. Now click on Reports Button (The yellow note pad like icon) from the menu bar.

  6. Select Report Config on the left side frame.

  7. Select the 2nd button in the row corresponding to Obituary Listing. i.e select the option with the checkmarks on it. This allows to configure the obituary search and select specific type of obituary. This will open a page as shown below :

  8. Now for the Report Option make the following settings :

    1. Obituaries older that 1 hour.

    2. Obituary Type : Select Inhibit Move

    3. For Start At : Select the Tree Root object. It will appear as T= and can be selected from the drop down box.

    4. For Scope of Select Subtree.

    5. Now click on Run Report.

  9. Now a result page as shown below will appear:

  10. Now for the Inhibit Move obituary object listed there, select the Advanced Option of Release Move Entryfrom the column Obituary Links in the extreme right column.

  11. A message succeeded should be obtained. as shown below :

  12. This means the obituary attribute has been purged successfully.

  13. Repeat Steps 10 for each Inhibit Move obituary listed in the Report result window till all of them have been removed as shown above in steps 11 and 12.

  14. Run from the server console : DSREPAIR -A -> Advanced Options -> Check External References and verify from the server console that the obituary has been removed.

  15. Check on the other servers in the ring if the obituaries have processed, else repeat steps 1 to 13 on all other servers in the ring having that obituary.

Additional Information

Cause of this problem:

Obituaries are created to track changes happening in the NDS and to keep the NDS healthy. Moved and Inhibit Moved obituaries are created when objects are moved from one context to another in the NDS tree. Moved Obituary is created at the source location and Inhibit Move obituary at the destination location. This is to ensure that the object and all its related information is properly moved from the source location to the destination and all the replica holding servers are notified and synchronized about this change. Generally the Inhibit_Move obituary is completely processed before the Moved Obituary processes completely. The above problem occurs when the Moved Obituary processes fully and is cleaned from database, while the Inhibit_Moved obituary is not informed of this.

This is explained in greater Detail in TID 10073618. : Orphaned Inhibit_Move Obituary found at :

To understand more about obituaries and their states and processing refer TID 7011537 Obituary types, flags, and stages found at :

To understand how to read and interpret the DSREPAIR External Reference Check log refer TID 10025428 : Explanation of obituary log files from DSREPAIR found at :

Change Log

James Swallow 02/22/2021 - Modified TID references from no longer existent TIDs to current existent TIDs