Message Conversion Slow for Outbound GWIA

  • 7000586
  • 25-Feb-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 8


Large amounts of message files are backing up in the <domain>\wpgate\gwia\wpscsout\<hash>\4 directory.  The <domain>\wpgate\gwia\send directory is empty or nearly empty.


The <domain>\wpgate\gwia\wpscsout\<hash>\4 directory is the last stop before the GWIA outbound conversion process converts the message to MIME format.  There is a combination of three events/settings that can slow outbound conversion.

1. A large number of messages are being sent outbound through the use of client side rules (forwarding all messages to an internet account).  This can be compounded when multiple users are performing this action.

2.  The flat-forward switch/setting is enabled at the GWIA. 

3.  The messages that are being forwarded are sent to large internal distribution lists.

When the three criteria are met, a large burden is placed on the GWIA to convert the message into MIME format.  The message must be stripped of any sign of having been forwarded, through the use of the flat forward switch.  The GWIA must also enumerate all members of the distribution list to whom a message has been sent.  The GWIA must do this in order for a "reply-to-all" to be delivered to all the recipients when the Internet recipient has received the message.

Two things that can help alleviate the slowness in converting the messages are:

1)  When sending to large distribution lists internally, place the distribution list as a blind copy (BC) recipient.
2)  Enable the setting "Retain distribution lists on outgoing messages" in the properties of the GWIA object in ConsoleeOne.  (GWIA Properties ->  SMTP/MIME -> Address Handling).  This setting tells the GWIA not to enumerate all users and use the name of the distribution list name as the reply address.