Error:"D113 Domain not found"

  • 7009124
  • 05-Aug-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


When trying to send mail to an external user gets error:"D113 Domain not found".


On SLES, Internet Domain Names does not gets created during installation of GWIA(GroupWise Internet Agent). It needs to be created manually via ConsoleOne. Below are the steps which can be followed to create Internet Domain Name for GWIA:

1. Launch ConsoleOne and connect to primary domain
2. Select domain | Go to Tools | GroupWise System Operations | Internet Addressing | Internet Domains | Under Internet Domain Names click on Create | Enter appropriate domain name and click on "OK" | Select domain name under Internet Domain Names and click on "Set Preferred" | Click on "OK"
3. Select domain | Scroll to Gateways | GWIA | Properties | GroupWise tab | Foreign ID | Enter same "Internet Domain Name" here as well.
4. Restart MTA(Message Transfer Agent) and GWIA.