SecureLogin takes excessive memory on Citrix Server

  • 7010898
  • 09-Oct-2012
  • 09-Oct-2012


NetIQ SecureLogin
Win2008 server
Citrix Server
VMWare environment


SLDotNetSSO takes excessive memory on Citrix Server
Unable to manage memory used by SLDotNetSSO
MinimizeActiveFootprint registry setting doesn't help


Workaround:  Disable single sign on for .Net applications by editing the registry and setting DisableDotNetSSO to 1 under  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Protocom\SecureLogin


MinimizeActiveFootprint works on slbroker, slproto, slwinsso, and sllauncher but it currently does not work on sldotnetsso, or on slwts.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

MinimizeActiveFootprint can be used to manage the amount of memory used by SecureLogin.  It is especially useful on Windows Servers .
Setting:  MinimizeActiveFootprint
Purpose: Memory management
-  Minimizes memory usage by advising Windows to trim the amount of reserved memory down
to just the amount the program is actually using
-  For each executable, Windows reserves memory for its execution. The amount or memory
Windows reserves for a program is not necessarily the amount that program requires, it is a best
guess at how much it will use in the short term. This best guess is always a generous estimate.
-  This setting can be used to advise Windows to:
   -  Continue guessing how much memory each of our executables needs, just like it does for
every other program (this is the default mode)
   - Continuously trim the amount of reserved memory down to only that which is currently
being used. (This is aggressive mode)
  -  Aggressive mode can be used to minimize the memory footprint of a running program

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Protocom/SecureLogin   DWORD   MinimizeActiveFootprint

Normal (Default on Windows servers)
Temporarily trims the working set of the SecureLogin processes to zero, forcing the process to re-load only what it needs.  Routinely empties the work set for all SecureLogin processes.
Default on Windows workstations
Does not minimize memory usage
Uses SetProcessWorkingSetSize in attempt to optimize the working set size for each SecureLogin process –

NOTE: These values are used during calls to the function: SetProcessWorkingSetSize.