Mail items don't sync to devices (overloaded with syncevents for some users)

  • 7012128
  • 11-Apr-2013
  • 02-Aug-2016


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Novell GroupWise Mobility Service


Incoming mail items don't sync to any devices
Newly created mail items have stopped syncing
User sent repeated mail item in the thousands causing syncevents table to be overloaded


Although there can be many reasons why mail won't sync to devices, this addresses one found cause.

  1. Check logs for an unusually high number of Sync Engine Events:
    • From a terminal window type: cd /var/log/datasync/connectors and press [Enter]
    • Type: tail -f mobility-agent.log | grep -i conver and press [Enter]
    • Check for something like the following and then press [Cntl + C] to stop the tail:
      INFO [CONVERTER_WORKER_Thread-5] [syncEngineEventMonitor:129] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Monitor] SyncEngineEvents: processing 3 of 148464
    • '148464' is a large number of sync events. This number will likely continue to increase. If so, proceed with step 2.

  2. Identify specific user(s) with most unsynced events:
    • Type the following command to login to the database:
      psql -U datasync_user mobility

      Note: If the password is unknown, please contact Support to help accessing the database for the following steps.
    • Once in the database, your prompt will look like the following:
      Welcome to psql 8.3.14, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

      Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
             \h for help with SQL commands
             \? for help with psql commands
             \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
             \q to quit

    • Copy and paste the following query to identify users with highest number of unsynced mail items:
      select DISTINCT u.userid AS "FDN", count(eventid) as "events", se.userid FROM syncevents se INNER JOIN users u ON se.userid = u.guid GROUP BY u.userid, se.userid ORDER BY events DESC;
    • Note users with the largest number of events (need to know FDN and userid). Keep this prompt open for step 3. The large number of events likely have come from a single sender (i.e. a calendar invitation, etc.)

  3. Cleanup Sync Events table to restore synchronization for other users:
    • For each user with an unusually large number of events, type the following (pasting their unique userid):
      delete from syncevents where userid='f2341132db4f11e1b9ee000c2951b3c5';
    • f2341132db4f11e1b9ee000c2951b3c5 is this user's unique userid, replace this string with the correct userid and press [Enter]
    • Repeat for user(s) identified with a high number of events.
    • Events should now begin to decrease for syncevents table:
      select count(*) from syncevents;
    • Remove user(s) from DataSync.
      • If user(s) was added by an LDAP group, then remove the user(s) from the LDAP group and pull LDAP settings to refresh server - Select 'Manage Global Settings' icon from the top right in WebAdmin, and select 'Poll LDAP Now'
      • If user(s) was not added by an LDAP group, proceed to delete the user(s) from DataSync WebAdmin

  4. Identify and purge mail items within the GroupWise system:
    • Login as one of these users and identify the repeated mail item for user(s).
    • If the Subject of the message is very unique, proceed with a SUBJECTPURGE on the PO from Web Administration.
      Note: This command is case sensitive, and will remove partial matches as well. If there is a lot of mail to purge, it may slow down the POA.

      • Navigate to PO | GroupWise Utilities | Mailbox/Library Maintenance | Analyze/Fix Databases
      • Select Contents, and Fix Problems
      • Open Misc and enter SUBJECTPURGE="subjectName"
        Note: Enter the subject exactly within quotes after the = replacing the subjectName text with the unique subject desires to be removed from the mailboxes found in the PO.
      • Click Run
    • If subject of message isn't unique, proceed to cleanup mailboxes for affected user(s) manually.

  5. Once the mailboxes for the affected users have been cleaned of the repeated mail item, proceed to re-add user back to Mobility.


User sent repeated mail item in the thousands causing syncevents table to be overloaded causing slow sync