ZESUser.exe reaches out into the Internet

  • 7012625
  • 18-Jun-2013
  • 03-Mar-2014


Novell ZENworks Endpoint Security Management 11.2
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2


ZESUser.exe tries to connect to the Internet on agent startup.


This is fixed in version 11.3 - see KB 7014213 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7014213


Create a file %zenworks_home%\esm\ZESUser.Exe.Config with the content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
               <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>



The Microsoft .NET 3.5 framework default behavior is to verify the authenticode signature on executable start-up. The ZCM agent .net executables are not signed and the managed device might not have access to the Internet at the moment the executable is loading. This can cause delay or even timeouts on ZCM agent  module startup and generates unnecessary Internet traffic.

Additional Information

For most .net executables the ZCM agent already contains such a .Exe.Config file to disable this generatePublisherEvidence functionality, but it is missing for ZESUser.exe.

More information about this .net functionality is available at MSDN