Unable to login to WebAdmin - Master TID

  • 7012649
  • 19-Jun-2013
  • 04-Sep-2014


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


This TID is intended to be a single point of reference for TID's related to the issue - Unable to login to WebAdmin.

The goal is to keep the information listed here as accurate as possible, but it is always possible that new content has been written and which may still be missing from this TID. Therefore, if such a situation is encountered, please use the Provide Feedback on the bottom of this page and provide details on what is missing so the information can be updated.


TID 7012616 - Unable to login to WebAdmin (SSL/TLS)
TID 7007162 - Unable to login to WebAdmin as admin (config)
TID 7012047 - Unable to login to WebAdmin as admin (base search)
TID 7009730 - Mobility stops working when Proxy is enabled on SLES
TID 7012481 - Unable to connect to LDAP server using SSL
TID 7010986 - Unable to Login to DataSync WebAdmin using Internet Explorer but Firefox and Chrome
TID 7012971 - Unable to login to WebAdmin (blank page)
TID 7007361 - Illegal Server Error.
TID 7013459 - Unable to log into webadmin - URLError - connection refused
TID 7015619 - Unable to authenticate as admins from configengine.xml for WebAdmin
TID 7007162 - Users unable to login to Mobility WebAdmin