Unable to sync files to Filr from Shared Folder with many ACLs

  • 7013065
  • 16-Aug-2013
  • 29-Jan-2014


Novell Filr 1.0.0
Novell Filr 1.0.1


Shared Folders on Active Directory with more then 60 users assigned to the folder will not sync files when set up as a Net folder in Filr.
Folders with less than 60 ACLs works in Filr and can see all files in Net Folder
Folders with more than 60 ACLs wont show any files in Net Folder
Shared folders with many ACLs do not sync files to Filr
Unable to see files on the device

In the '/var/opt/novell/filr/log/famtd.log' the following message can be seen:
 [XTCOM]: ERROR:Trustees::isTrusteeInherited Could not get attributes for [<path to directory>] 34: Numerical result out of range


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 1.0.1 Hot Patch 1, available via the Novell Patch Finder.


Reported to Engineering