Error: Program novell-zislnxd tried to access /dev/mem between fd000->10e000.

  • 7013376
  • 26-Sep-2013
  • 26-Sep-2013


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


The error "Program novell-zislnxd tried to access /dev/mem between fd000->10e000." appears in  /var/log/message file.

Server will randomly hang or hard-lock


Inventory mode must be disabled on any SLES server managed by Zenworks Linux Management.

1) Disable service '/etc/init.d/novell-zislnx'
2) Disable the inventory mode, by editing '/etc/opt/novell/zenworks/preboot/novell-zislnx.conf', and switching MODE from ENABLE to DISABLE.


The ZLM inventory feature makes a call to hwinfo without sufficient options and attempts to scan portions of memory it should not.

The result is corrupted memory.