What is the Sybase Database Server Name?

  • 7014831
  • 01-Apr-2014
  • 19-Aug-2015


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 Sybase Database


Using an external or embedded Sybase database

Running an upgrade to ZENworks 11 SP3
Upgrade is prompting for the database Server Name
Can't connect to the newly installed Audit database

Installing Sybase on an external database server for ZENworks 11 SP3
An error is seen after entering the database information
The error indicates that there is duplicate information

The following error could be seen if the database Server Name is not entered correctly:

We are unable to establish a connection to the specified server.
Please ensure that the connection information is correct
and that proper permissions have been granted to the specified user.


In the case of an upgrade, do the following on the database server to get the database Server Name:
  1. Follow the steps in TID 7001996 to connect to the applicable database
  2. Run the following query to find the database Server Name:
    select @@servername

In the case of an install, specify a unique name for the zenworks database and another unique name for the audit database.

Additional Information

This is not referring to the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the database server. Instead, this is the name that Sybase uses to identify the running database instance.