CIFS errors with Autodesk Inventor 2015. 'Failed to Create Folder'

  • 7015599
  • 27-Aug-2014
  • 05-Sep-2014


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux Support Pack 1


Attempting to save a file to a CIFS share using Autodesk Inventor 2015 fails with the error:
'Failed to Create Folder'

In the cifs.log you can see the following: Aug 21 14:26:52 grp-data CIFS[8421]: WARNING: CODIR: LockCache Error localErr 0x0, error ERR_NO_CREATE_PRIVILEGE errcode:132 Aug 21 14:26:52 grp-data CIFS[8421]: ERROR: CODIR: LockCache failed to open file for User : admin ,Conn no : 769 ,Err : ERR_NO_CREATE_PRIVILEGE, ErrCode : 132, Path : /Test/! My Image.scr
This happens for all users.

This could simply be a rights issue or it could be that you are running into this defect.

Here is how to check the rights for the user in that directory.
This is an example of a command for the "admin" user in an eDir context, "novell.mytree" for the Test share on VOL1.
Run it at the console and replace the share and user with your own values to show a users rights at that point on the file system.

rights -f /media/nss/VOL1/Test/ effective admin.novell.mytree

Effective Rights -------------------------------------- File: /media/nss/VOL1/Test -------------------------------------- User: .admin.novell.mytree [supervisor, read, write, create, erase, access control, scan, modify, visibility]

In this case the admin user shows as having all rights at the file system.
However,the error is still seen in the application while saving a file as that user to that share.


Autodesk Inventor 2015 is able to save files to the same share with the same user with this version of CIFS:

The version that comes in the May patch fails.

Simply going back to the novell-cifs-1.3.1-31.68 version.
Or not updating to the May patch which contains novell-cifs-1.3.1-
This has been reported to engineering.