Unable to add "Change Password" section to SecureLogin Web application

  • 7016186
  • 12-Feb-2015
  • 13-Feb-2015


NetIQ SecureLogin
NSL 8.0.2


SecureLogin Wizard does not recognize the change password dialog on a web page.
Wizard can see the change password fields, but not the form they are on
The password change screen is not on a separte page, but seems to be some sort of pop-up that is activated by clicking "change password."


Add a registry key (if using IE) and modify the the application definition as follows:

1.  Add and/ or  set   IESSO_DHTML  (DWord) = 1  

2. Add  "-events create mutate"  to the end of the  "Site"  command, e.g.
   Site "New Change Password Form" -initial -events create mutate

This needs to be done for each site related to the change password section, e.g. "initial," "recent," and "subsequent."

3.  Change the  MatchForm command to  "-noform"   e.g.:
 MatchForm #1 -noform

4. To more closely identify the fields, add a field ID to the end of each "MatchField" command.  Use F12 developer tools to identify field IDs, e.g.:
    MatchField #1:28 -type "password" -name "" -id "currentPassword"
  MatchField #1:29 -type "password" -name "" -id "newPassword"
  MatchField #1:30 -type "password" -name "" -id "confirmPassword"

Additional Information

Two issues contribute to this problem::

1. IE does not recognize that the screen has changed. Adding IESSO_DHTML  and setting it to = 1 tells SecureLogin to check every second to see if the page has changed.  If it has not changed, SecureLogin does nothing.  If a change has occurred SecureLogin acts, provided "-event create mutate" is included with the "site" command.  This registry setting is not needed for FireFox.

2. Fields on the change password dialog were not associated with any form. 
The Wizard does not allow for fields not associated with forms.  Resolve this by converting the application definition to text, and with the  "MatchForm"  commands specify  "-noform"  e.g.:

MatchForm #1 -noform

This needs to be done for each "site" command  related to the change password section, e.g. "initial," "recent," and "subsequent.

Note: To convert an SecureLogin application to text format, open the "Definition" tab in "Manage Logins" and click the button to "Convert To Application Definition."