Unable to login to Aegis Config or Web Console from a remote system

  • 7016716
  • 29-Jul-2015
  • 17-Aug-2015


NetIQ Aegis 3.2


Accessing Aegis Config or Web console from a remote system you get the following errors:

1. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection.

2. User account"Aegis_username" could not authenticate with the Aegis agent "Aegis_Servername" (port 10117).

Your username and/or password were rejected by the Aegis service. Make sure you are supplying valid credentials.

3. Unable to contact an authentication authority.


Edit the ProcessGovernanceService.exe.config file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\NetIQ\Aegis\bussrv to use "ClearText" instead of "Kerberos" for the TransportProtocolType.

Bounce the NetIQ Aegis Business Service.