Agent Status shows "Not Present" in GroupWise Administration console

  • 7017642
  • 25-May-2016
  • 25-May-2016


GroupWise 2014
GroupWise 2014 R2
GroupWise Administration Console


When viewing the properties of a GroupWise agent in the GroupWise Administration Console, the agent status shows as "Not present" even though the agent is running and you can access the agent's HTTP interface by clicking on the link to "Launch <agent> Console"
Running 'rcgrpwise status' in a Terminal window shows the problem agent as "unused" even though the agent is running.


The GroupWise Administration Console verifies an agent by running the 'rcgrpwise status' command, which uses the gwha.conf file to determine which agents are configured.  If the agent name in gwha.conf file does not match what the GroupWise Administration Console expects, it will show the agent's status as "Not present"
Edit the /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf file to make sure that the agent name is in the correct format of:
[domain_name] (for MTAs)
[agent.domain_name] (for POA and GWIA)