Patch installation fails: “Did not execute Executables\config-editor\ConfigEditor.exe successfully”

  • 7017767
  • 23-Jun-2016
  • 28-Jun-2016


PlateSpin Migrate 11.x, 12.x

PlateSpin Protect 11.x

PlateSpin Forge 11.x


The installation of a patch fails.

Remark: patches can be downloaded from .


During the installation of a patch, it fails with the below error message:

Error occured during the upgrade.

Error message: Did not execute Executables\config-editor\ConfigEditor.exe successfully.


Rename accordingly the folders so that the path to the patch files does not include any special characters or breaking spaces.

Then re-attempt patch installation.


The patch may have been extracted to a location for which the path contains some special characters or breaking spaces.

These characters are not handled correctly by the patch installation scripts.