Video Capture for Windows Size Guidelines

  • 7018141
  • 11-Oct-2016
  • 23-Oct-2019


NetIQ Privileged Account Manager 3.6
NetIQ Privileged Account Manager 3.5


What are the approximate sizes guidelines or expectations with video capture enabled?
Video Capture for Windows enabled at various fps settings / configurations


For official details, with PAM 3.5, please refer to Performance and Sizing Guidelines.

For further details regarding configuring and viewing video and for Video Off-Load capability, please refer to the PAM Administration Guide - Video Capture for Windows.

Additional Information

Privileged Account Manager offers granular video conversion settings so the video conversion process can be optimized on quality, size and CPU utilization.

The following are some approximate expectations for storage usage based on 10 fps in a reasonably active session:

Session TimeVideo Size
1 min1.5 MB
5 min7.5 MB
10 min15 MB
30 min45 MB

Note: These values are not official guidelines, so consider this as a rough estimation. Other factors can influence the size of video audits. For example, size may change according to the activity level of the session or video conversion settings such as fps. For example, fps could be configured lower for the session to achieve smaller video size in audits.