Move User Guide (GroupWise 6.5, 6, 5.5)

  • 3128933
  • 07-Sep-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


GroupWise 6.5
GroupWise 6
GroupWise Enhancement Pack/5.5


Move User Guide for GroupWise


This Guide was designed for Administrators using the GroupWise 5.5 Non-Enhancement Pack, Enhancement Pack, and GroupWise 6 versions.

Novell recommends that your GroupWise Agents (MTA/POA) and Snapins (ConsoleOne or NWADMN32) are at the latest Publicly released patches available for the version of GroupWise you are using.

To verify the version of the GroupWise Snapins start ConsoleOne> click on Help > about Snapins > GroupWise Administration. To verify the version of GroupWise Snapins for NWADMN32 > click on Tools > GroupWise Utilities > About GroupWise Administrator > Version Info.

To verify the version GroupWise Agents running on NetWare, RConsole or at the server console type Modules GW* and press enter, the information will show the agents in memory, the version, and dates. For Windows NT/2000 go to the POA or MTA screen and click on Help> About POA/MTA.

Prepare the GroupWise Users

Reassign Resources, Clean Up Mail, and Have the User Exit GroupWise
1. If the user is an owner of a resource in GroupWise, specify a new owner. (If you are moving the user to a 5.5 post office, you will be prompted to do this during the move.)
2. Have the user delete and/or archive as many items in the Mailbox as possible.
3. Have the user make a backup of the archive before you initiate the move.
4. If using GroupWise Document Management make sure all users being moved have Checked In all Checked Out documents.
5. Have the user empty the trash in the Mailbox.
6. GroupWise 5.5 users (Enhancement Pack and Non-Enhancement Pack versions) will need to re-share any shared folders or address books after being moved. This is unnecessary for GroupWise 6 users.

Moves Between GroupWise 6.5/6 Post Offices
When you move a user's account from one GroupWise 6 (or higher) post office to another, all items are moved correctly and all associations (proxy rights, shared folder access, and so forth) are resolved so that the move is transparent to the user.

Moves Between GroupWise 6.5/6 and GroupWise 5.x Post Offices
Moves that include a GroupWise 5.x post office are performed at the level supported by the 5.x post office (File Transfer Mode). This means that users may experience the following:

Rules may need to be re-created.
Folders may not appear in the same order as in the original mailbox.
The Address Book may contain more than one Frequent Contacts list or system address books.
Proxy rights to other mailboxes are lost. The rights will need to be reestablished.
Folders' sort order and column settings are lost. They will need to be reset.
Query folders no longer work. The query will need to be performed again.
Replies (from other users) to items sent by the moved user (before the user moved) will be undeliverable.
Messages sent to the moved user from Remote users will be undeliverable until the Remote users download the Address Book again.

If you know beforehand that a user will be moved have a Helpdesk/IS person e-mail the user a couple of days before being moved with this information. This would allow the user time to clean up their mailbox and archive any important mail. This will help the moves go quicker if the user complies.

Caution: Novell does not recommend to move more than 5 users at a time. The reasoning for this is related to the number/size of items contained in the user·.s mailbox. If the 5 users to be moved contain 8,000 messages each then you may want to only move one user at time. This is still true for all versions of GroupWise including 6.x systems.

Prepare the GroupWise Mail Account

1. Backup the Source and Destination Post Offices before starting the move.
2. Make sure the health of the NDS tree is good. If you are in the process of making partition or replica changes don·t move any GroupWise users until the changes are complete and NDS is performing correctly.
3. Start NWADMN32 or ConsoleOne, Connect to the domain that owns the user to be moved.
a. This can be done from NWADM32 by clicking on Tools > GroupWise System Operations > System Connection > browse to the correct domain and select it.
b. GroupWise 6 administrators can do this from ConsoleOne by looking under GroupWise System, highlighting the domain, right click and choose Connect (the domain icon should show a connection/plug symbol on it)
4. Verify that all the links to the domains involved in the Move are open. For example if moving a user from Domain B.Post Office B to Domain C.Post Office C the domains involved in the Move would be Domain A (primary domain), Domain B, and Domain C. These domain·s MTAs should be up and running and showing the other domains involved as being open. The originating and destination post office agents (POAs) should be up. (If the link between the post offices and domain is TCP link press F10 > Message Transfer Status and verify it shows the link to the domain as open.)
5. Synchronize the user/s to be moved. This can be done by highlighting the user object (in either NDS View or GroupWise View)> clicking on Tools > GroupWise Utilities > Synchronize. This will push out the users information to all the domains and make sure their information is Synchronized.
6. Run GroupWise Mailbox/Library Maintenance on the users to be moved to make sure there is no database corruption to cause the move to fail. Administrators should run the following options:
a. Analyze/Fix Database, Structure and Index should be checked, Fix Problems, User, and Message (if running from ConsoleOne or NWADMN32 the person specified as the Administrator of the domain which owns the post office should receive a the log from this check. Check for errors and correct before moving the user, if no errors are reported go to step b.
b. Now run the same Analyze/Fix Database, but only check Contents, Collect Statistics, Fix Problems, User, and Message. Check for errors and correct before moving the user. If there are not errors continue on. The Collect Statistics is helpful because it reports the total number of mail, appointments, notes, tasks, and phone items.
7. Have the user exit GroupWise and GroupWise Notify before you initiate the move. When the move is initiated, the user's POA first creates an inventory list of all information in the user's mailbox. This inventory list is sent to the new post office's POA so that it can verify when all items have been received. If the user remains logged in, any changes to the mailbox (received items, sent items, and so forth) after the inventory list is created will not be moved to the user's new mailbox. Once the move has been initiated, the user can log in to his or her new mailbox even if the move is not complete.
8. Connect to Target domain to which the user will be moved. If moving the user to a different post offic.e but same domain make sure you are connected to the domain that owns the post offices involved in the move.
9. Change the logging on the POAs involved in the Move to Verbose. This will help you track the progress of the move and may help Novell Support in case the move fails.
10. Write down the three-character FID (File ID) for the user being moved. To find out the FID, in GroupWise View, double-click on the user's user object click GroupWise Account. The FID is the entry after File ID.
11. To verify GroupWise administrative message flow change the phone number for the user to be moved from a snapped in version of ConsoleOne (for GW6) or NWADMN32 (if using a EP or non-EP version of GroupWise system). Start the GroupWise client as a user in the source post office and the target and verify if the Novell System Address Book shows the new phone number.

*****GroupWise 6.5/6 Administrators please read!*****
Administrators using GroupWise 6 should not Disable Logins for either the source or destination post offices. GroupWise 6 uses a new feature called Live Move. This allows the POA to open a client/server connection between post offices to transfer the users mail and bypasses the MTA. It is quicker than a File Transfer move which uses the normal delivery method used by previous versions of GroupWise.

Moving the GroupWise account in GroupWise 6.5/6 (Same NDS tree)
1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the User object or GroupWise External Entity (in the GroupWise view) > click Move to display the GroupWise Move dialog box.

NOTE: If you want to move multiple users from the same post office to another post office, select all the User objects > right-click the selected objects > click Move.

2. Select the post office to which you want to move the user's account > click OK.
3. If the user owns a resource, the following dialog box appears. Select a new owner for the resource > click OK.

Resolving Addressing Issues Caused By Moving an Account
The user's new address information is immediately replicated to each post office throughout your system so that the system address book contains the user's updated address. Any user who selects the moved user from the system address book will be able to successfully send messages to the user. However, some users may have the user's old address (GroupWise user ID) in their Address Book's Frequent Contacts list. In this case, if the sender types the moved user's name in the To field rather than select it from the system address book, GroupWise uses the old address stored in the Frequent Contacts list instead of the new address in the system address book. This will result in the message being undeliverable. The Post Office Agent automatically resolves this issue when it performs its nightly user upkeep (see Performing Nightly User Upkeep). During the nightly user upkeep process, the POA ensures that all addresses in a user's Frequent Contacts list are valid addresses in the system address book.

If you want to ensure that messages sent to the user's old address are delivered even before the POA cleans up the Frequent Contacts List, you can create a nickname using the old GroupWise user ID. To have a nickname created automatically when the user is moved, go to GroupWise System Operations > System Preferences > Nickname Settings.

Moving a GroupWise Account to Another Post Office (Different NDS Tree)
A GroupWise system can span multiple NDS trees, provided that all components for a single domain (post offices, users, resources, and so forth) are all in the same NDS tree. For example, a user cannot be located in one tree and his or her post office in another.

If necessary, you can move a user's account from a post office in one NDS tree to a post office in another NDS tree as long as the post offices are in the same GroupWise system. This requires the user to have a User object (or GroupWise External Entity object) in the NDS tree to which his or her GroupWise account is being moved.

To move a user's account to another post office:

Make sure the user has a User object or GroupWise External Entity object in the NDS tree to which his or her GroupWise account is being moved.

In ConsoleOne, right-click the User object or GroupWise External Entity object (in the GroupWise View) > click Move to display the GroupWise Move dialog box.

NOTE: If you want to move multiple users from the same post office to another post office, select all the User objects > right-click the selected objects > click Move.

Select the post office to which you want to move the user's account> click OK.

If the user owns a resource, the following dialog box appears. Select a new owner for the resource > click OK.

Monitor the pending operations for the current domain and the destination domain to determine when the user has been successfully moved. For information about viewing pending operations, see System.

In the destination NDS tree, right-click the User object or GroupWise External Entity object where the GroupWise account will be assigned. This will be the object mentioned in Step 1.

Click the GroupWise tab > click Account to display the Account page.

In the Post Office field, select the post office that the user's GroupWise account was moved to.

In the Mailbox ID field, make sure that the mailbox ID is the same as the user's mailbox ID (GroupWise user ID) on his or her original post office.

Click OK.

A dialog box appears asking if you want to match the GroupWise account to this NDS user.

Click Yes.

Resolving Addressing Issues Caused By Moving an Account
The user's new address information is immediately replicated to each post office throughout your system so that the system addressbook contains the user's updated address. Any user who selects the moved user from the system address book will be able to successfully send messages to the user.

However, some users may have the moved user's old address (GroupWise user ID) in their Address Book's Frequent Contacts list. In this case, if the sender types the moved user's name in the To field instead of selecting it from the system address book, GroupWise uses the old address stored in the Frequent Contacts list instead of the new address in the system address book. This will result in the message being undeliverable. The Post Office Agent automatically resolves this issue when it performs its nightly user upkeep (see Performing Nightly User Upkeep). During the nightly user upkeep process, the POA ensures that all addresses in a user's Frequent Contacts list are valid addresses in the system address book.

If you want to ensure that messages sent to the user's old address are delivered even before the POA cleans up the Frequent Contacts List, you can create a nickname using the old GroupWise user ID. For information about creating a nickname, see Creating a Nickname for a User. To have a nickname created automatically when the user is moved, go to GroupWise System Operations > System Preferences> Nickname Settings.

Moving the GroupWise Account using EP or 5.5 non-EP using NWADMN32
1. In NetWare Administrator, click Tools > GroupWise Utilities> GroupWise View.
2. In the lower half of GroupWise View, click the user to be moved.
3. Edit the user being moved and change the user's post office definition to the new post office.

To get more detail about the GroupWise 6.5/6 Move User procedure see Moving Users with GroupWise 6..

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10067427