Printer Agents show NOT BOUND status after applying SP6 for NetWare 6.5

  • 3832304
  • 17-Nov-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for NetWare Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 6 Gateway


After applying Support Pack 6 for NetWare 6.5, all Printer Agents on the Print Manager show a status of NOT BOUND. Printing does not work.


Apply NDPSGW.NLM dated 16NOV2006 or later. Search Novell's File Finder for this file.

Add NETDB.NLM to load in the SYS:\SYSTEM\Autoexec.ncf before NDPSM is loaded.

The version of NDPSGW that ships with Support Pack 6 for NetWare 6.5 does not check to see if NETDB is loaded. NDPSGW.NLM (the module that determines printer agent status) relies on NETDB.NLM to function. Earlier versions of NDPSGW.NLM checked to see if NETDB is loaded during load time. If it wasn't loaded, NDPSGW would load it.