Branch Office: Venezuela time changes from GMT -4:00 to GMT -4:30

  • 3392036
  • 07-Dec-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Nterprise Branch Office 2.0


Venezuela changes its time zon from GMT -4:00 to GMT -4:30 on December 9th, 2007.


Follow these steps to implement the change:
  1. Edit TimeZone.ini to change:
    name=(GMT-04:30) Caracas, La Paz
  2. Use the Console command "Time" to view the current time.
  3. Use the SET parameter "SET Time" to advance the time by 30 Min.
    For example: SET Time 2:30 am
  4. Restart the server and confirm changes took effect.

Considerations for Directory Services, Timesync, and NTP may influence the process for advancing time by 30 minutes.