ZCM agent log in times are much longer when logging into an unknown location

  • 7010000
  • 13-Jan-2012
  • 05-Dec-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Support Pack 1 - ZCM 11 SP1 Authentication
Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Support Pack 2 - ZCM 11 SP2 Authentication


When logging into an unknown location with the ZCM 11.1 or ZCM 11.2 agent the login time is significantly longer than when logging into a known location.


This is fixed in version 11.2.2 - see KB 7010757 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7010757

Please also refer to the ZCM 11.2.2 documentation regarding Startup Locations: