<badGuidList> growing in uiaconfig.xml

  • 7010519
  • 25-Jul-2012
  • 09-Nov-2012


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2


On unmanaged (inventory only) agents, in some cases the entries in badGuidList in uiaconfig.xml are growing inappropriately.  Eventually the xml file becomes so large that scans do not occur.


This is fixed in version 11.2.2 - see KB 7010757 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7010757

Additional Information

How is the badGuidList normally used?
The badGuidList (bad GUID list) is created so that two agents do not have same ZENworks agent id.  During the inventory only agent installation, the install generates a random GUID.  There could be a possibility that the same ZENworks agent id is already used by another agent.
Since for inventory only agent there is no mechanism of registering the device, the inventory only agent creates an entry on the primary server only when it sends the wif file to the server.
When the server checks for the ZENworks agent id sent by the inventory only agent to get the respective machine during workstation reconciliation, if multiple machines are found with same ZENworks agent id then the server checks various details such as serial number etc. and reconciles to that.   If the server finds that this ZENworks agent id is already used by some other agent and the wif is sent by a different agent, then the server will add this GUID to the badguid list.  This will ensure that next time, the inventory only agent should not send the same GUID and it should re-generate the GUID.