RMAudit information does not get stored in the database.

  • 3045714
  • 12-Dec-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management on Linux Support Pack 1 - ZDML7 SP1 Inventory
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Inventory


When RMAudit tries to store RM Audit information, if a reference to the device does not exist, it goes and creates a new entry. When scanner is installed on that device and sends scans for the first time (after RMaudit information containing that device is stored), storer goes and creates a duplicate entry for the same device.

Storing of RMAudit information fails with the following error in zenworksinvservice.log

- RMAudit::StoreAuditRecords.java:store() Unable to write the audit record to the database.
(com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: ASA Error -185: SELECT returns more than one row)


To obtain access to a hot patch with the fix for this problem, follow the instructions in KB 3484245 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management" which can be found athttps://www.novell.com/support