User Stat and Device Stat / Colored bars in the Mobility Monitoring page

  • 7007285
  • 01-Dec-2010
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell Data Synchronizer
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility


User Stat and Device Stat in the Mobility Monitoring page
What does the bar with the percentage on the Mobility Monitoring page signify
What is the meaning of User Stat on the Mobility Monitoring page
User Stat and Device Stat explained in detail
What is the meaning of the Progress bar on the Mobility Monitoring page
What are the colored bars in the Mobility Monitoring page


User Stat

To understand the percentage bar under the User Stat, it is important to understand the flow of events. Flow of
events from GroupWise to Mobility Server looks like the following:
GroupWise POA --> GroupWise Connector --> Sync Engine --> Mobility Connector --> Devices

The percentage bar for a user under the User Stat is the "Percentage of the Total Events flowing FROM Sync Engine
to Mobility Connector" for that user since the Sync Engine was started.

For example:
Total Number of Events - 10
user1's Events - 6
user2's Events - 4
Then user1 would show 60% and user2 would show 40%

This percentage can show which users are heavy and are causing a lot of traffic (from Sync Engine to Mobility Connector) compared to others 
since the Sync Engine was started. There are times when an event goes in a loop and in such cases, this percentage would be higher for the problem user as the events are gone in a loop for that user.
However, if a user was added to the Mobility Connector since the last time the Sync Engine was started, that new user would have
a higher percentage compared to other users as the Initial Sync for that user will cause a lot of events to flow
from Sync Engine to Mobility Connector. Therefore, just because a user has a higher percentage does not necessarily mean that that user is a problem user. To get a real idea of the percentage after a user has been added, the services should be restarted and it should be kept running for sometime before an opinion can be made if there is a problem or not.

The counters will be reset once the Sync Engine or DataSync Services are restarted. Type "rcdatasync restart " to restart the services.

Percentage under Device

To understand the percentage bar under the Device column, it is important to understand the flow of events. Flow of
Events between the Device and Mobility Server looks like the following.

GroupWise POA <-- GroupWise Connector <-- Sync Engine <-- Mobility Connector <-- Devices
GroupWise POA --> GroupWise Connector --> Sync Engine --> Mobility Connector --> Devices
The percentage bar for a device is the "Percentage of the Total Events flowing BETWEEN Mobility Connector and the Device" for that Device since the Sync Engine was started.
For Example
Total Number of Events - 10
Device1's Events - 6
Device2's Events - 4
Then Device1 would show 60% and Device2 would show 40%
This percentage can show which devices are causing a lot of traffic (between Mobility Conector and Device) compared to other devices.
There are times when a device goes bad and can keep on requesting the same event over and over again and in such cases, this percentage would be higher for that device.
However, if a new device was connected since the last time the Sync Engine was started, that new device would have a higher percentage compared to other devices as that device may have requested to pull down emails/calendars/contacts etc from the server and that would have caused a lot of events to flow between Device and Mobility Connector. Therefore, just because a device has a higher percentage does not necessarily mean that that device is a problem device. To get a real idea of the percentage after a device has connected, the services should be restarted and it should be kept running for sometime before an opinion can be made if there is a problem or not.
The counters will be reset once the Sync Engine or DataSync Services are restarted. Type "rcdatasync restart " to restart the services.
If a user or device's percentage is between 0% and 59%, it is denoted by a Light Blue Color bar
If a user or device's percentage is between 60% and 79%, it is denoted by aYellow Color bar
If a user or device's percentage is between 80%-100%, it is denoted by a Orange Color bar