5.2 Enabling System and Service Notifications

You can configure the Mobility system to notify specified users when critical situations arise that require administrator attention.

  1. In the Mobility Administration Console, click Config.

  2. In the Notification Enabled option, select Enable.

  3. Fill in the following fields:

    SMTP IP Address: Specify the IP address of an SMTP host for sending email. This could be a GroupWise GWIA server, but you can also use another email system such as sendmail on a Linux server or a personal email account.

    SMTP Port: The port number on which the Mobility Service can communicate with the SMTP host.

    Authentication User Name: The email user name to send the notification messages from.

    Authentication User Password: (Conditional) The email password if one is required on the email account.

    System Notifications: A comma-delimited list of email addresses to send a notification to when the Mobility server encounters a critical (red) alert or condition.

    Service Notifications: A comma-delimited list of email addresses to send a notification to when a new device needs to be released from the quarantine.

    For more information about the quarantine, see Quarantining New Devices to Prevent Immediate Connection and Releasing a New Device from the Quarantine.

  4. Click Save to save the new setting(s).

  5. Restart the Mobility Service:

    gms restart