If you have configured your network to use a proxy server, you must configure the proxy server subscriptions.
Use a text editor to open the lpm-server.properties file. This file is located in /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/ directory on Linux and in the Novell\ZENworks\conf directory on Windows.
Edit the file as follows:
Set the value of subscription-proxyaddress to the IP address of the proxy server.
Set the value of subscription-proxyport to the port number of the proxy server.
Set the value of subscription-proxyuser to the name of the proxy user.
Set the value of subscription-proxypassword to the password of the proxy username.
Set the value of subscription-useNTLM to true if the proxy server uses an NTLM realm. By default, the value is false.
Save the file.
When you run a subscription, the subscription automatically uses these settings.