4.21 升級 Identity Reporting 模組

Identity Manager 4.0 及以上版本中提供了 Identity Reporting 模組。若您要從 Identity Manager 3.6 升級至 Identity Manager 4.0.1,便可以安裝 Identity Reporting 模組 (若要使用該元件)。您可以啟動 Identity Manager 媒體中的 Identity Reporting 安裝程式來安裝 Identity Reporting 模組。如需安裝 Identity Manager Reporting 模組的詳細資訊,請參閱《Identity Reporting Module Guide》(Identity Reporting 模組指南) 中的Installation and Driver Configuration(安裝及驅動程式組態)。

若已安裝 Identity Manager 4.0,則可以在現有 Identity Reporting 4.0 模組之上安裝 Identity Reporting 4.0.1 模組。如需安裝 Identity Manager Reporting 的詳細資訊,請參閱《Identity Reporting Module Guide》(Identity Reporting 模組指南) 中的Installation and Driver Configuration(安裝及驅動程式組態) 一節。

附註:在升級 Identity Reporting 模組前必須升級使用者應用程式。

要升級 Identity Reporting 模組,您需要升級事件稽核服務 (EAS)。在執行 Identity Reporting 模組安裝程式之前,需要執行 EAS 二進位升級。