A.2 要使用的範例批次檔案

您可以使用類似下列範例的批次檔案,執行 movecfg.exe 公用程式:

@echo off REM ****************************************************************************** REM REM Name: MoveCfg1to2.bat REM Description: Sample batch file to demonstrate the usage and launch parameters REM               of movecfg.exe REM               See movecfg.txt for descriptions of movecfg.exe usage parameters REM REM Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Novell, Inc., All Rights Reserved REM REM ****************************************************************************** setlocal

REM echo on

REM SAMPLE CALL 1 call movecfg.exe -host server.acme.com -port 389 -edir-dn cn=admin,o=acme -edir-pwd acmePass -driverDN cn=NotesDriver,cn=DriverSet1,o=acme -noteSvr cn=Domino1/o=acme -timeout 15

REM SAMPLE Call 2: When converting a second or third Notes driver on the same machine, use the -ndsrep parameter REM call movecfg.exe -host server.acme.com -port 389 -edir-dn cn=admin,o=acme -edir-pwd acmePass -driverDN cn=Notes2Driver,cn=DriverSet1,o=acme -noteSvr cn=Domino1/o=acme -timeout 15 -ndsrep Notes2Driver