Asset Data - AssetDataContainer List and Create Methods


Supported Methods



Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats


URL Parameters




ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
query string [no filter] The TinyQ language filter that specifies a subset of all available records.
field string not present The name or names of fields whose values are to be returned. The field item may appear zero or more times in the URI query parameters. A single value of "[none]" indicates return only metadata. The absence of any field parameter indicates return all field values,
page integer 1 The 1-based offset into the total records based on page size. Actual offset is (page - 1) * pagesize.
pagesize integer [unlimited] The maximum number of object records to return as a result of the request.

Success Codes

Fault Codes

Response Data

Object type: page
A container for one or more objects in the result listing. There may be multiple pages in a listing if a page size is specified that is less than the total number of objects in the listing.
nextA URL addressing the subsequent page of objects in the total set of available objects.
objectsThe list of objects returned in the page of results.
prevA URL addressing the previous page of objects in the total set of available objects.
Object type: asset-data-container
An Asset Data object contains identification and location information about enterprise assets.
assetsA list of asset objects, generated as the result of an executed asset report. Definition
eventsThe list of AssetEventData objects used to locate AssetData objects when executing an asset report. Definition
idUnique identifier for asset container.
metaThe metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object. Definition
Object type: meta
The metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object.
@hrefThe URL reference to the object.
typeThe name of the object type
Object type: asset-data
An Asset Data object contains identification and location information about an enterprise assets.
address-line1The primary address of the asset.
address-line2The secondary address of the asset, such as a suite or appartment number.
asset-categoryThe category or grouping for the asset. Must be one of the values from the asset category table. Default values include: "UNKNOWN", "DESKTOP", "OS". "SERVICE".
asset-nameThe human readable name given to the asset.
asset-valueThe monitary or relative value assigned to the asset.
buildingThe building where the asset is located.
cityThe city were the asset is located.
contactsA contact or responsible party list for the asset. Definition
countryThe country where the asset is located.
criticalityA value indicating how critical the asset is in the enterprise.
customer-idA unique ID assigned to a specific customer. For example an MSSP will assign their customers a unique ID.
hostnameThe host name assigned to the asset.
ipThe IP address assigned to the asset.
ip-addressesA list of IP addresses assigned to the asset. Definition
mac-addressThe MAC Address of the asset.
product-nameThe asset product name.
product-versionThe aset product version.
rack-numberThe number used to identify a specific rack or shelve where the asset is located.
roomThe room number where the asset is located.
sensitivityNeeds description.
soft-assetsA list of software assets installed or registered to the asset. Definition
stateThe state were the asset is located.
vendorThe vendor or manufacturer of the asset.
zipcodeThe zip code of the city where the asset is located.
Object type: asset-event-data
An Asset Event Data object contains event information required to search for assets in the system such as host names, IP addresses as well as event IDs and event times.
customer-nameSearch for assets from a specific customer.
dhnSearch for assets containing the given target host name event field value.
dipSearch for assets containing the given target IP event field value.
shnSearch for assets containing the given source host name event field value.
sipSearch for assets containing the given source IP event field value.
timeUsed to find assets associated with a given event ID and time.
uuidUsed to find assets associated with a given event ID and time.

Sample Request

Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
               "asset-name":"HR Server1",
               "address-line1":"1800 North Place",
               "address-line2":"Suite 22",
                     "product-name":"Windows 7",
                     "name":"Windows 7",
                     "name":"Joe Smith",
                     "role":"IT Manager",
               "customer-name":"Company A",


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats



URL Parameters


Success Codes

Fault Codes

Request Data

Object type: asset-data-container
An Asset Data object contains identification and location information about enterprise assets.
assetsfalseA list of asset objects, generated as the result of an executed asset report. Definition
eventsfalseThe list of AssetEventData objects used to locate AssetData objects when executing an asset report. Definition
idfalseUnique identifier for asset container.

Object type: meta
The metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object.
@hreffalseThe URL reference to the object.
typefalseThe name of the object type

Object type: asset-data
An Asset Data object contains identification and location information about an enterprise assets.
address-line1falseThe primary address of the asset.
address-line2falseThe secondary address of the asset, such as a suite or appartment number.
asset-categoryfalseThe category or grouping for the asset. Must be one of the values from the asset category table. Default values include: "UNKNOWN", "DESKTOP", "OS". "SERVICE".
asset-namefalseThe human readable name given to the asset.
asset-valuefalseThe monitary or relative value assigned to the asset.
buildingfalseThe building where the asset is located.
cityfalseThe city were the asset is located.
contactsfalseA contact or responsible party list for the asset. Definition
countryfalseThe country where the asset is located.
criticalityfalseA value indicating how critical the asset is in the enterprise.
customer-idfalseA unique ID assigned to a specific customer. For example an MSSP will assign their customers a unique ID.
hostnamefalseThe host name assigned to the asset.
ipfalseThe IP address assigned to the asset.
ip-addressesfalseA list of IP addresses assigned to the asset. Definition
mac-addressfalseThe MAC Address of the asset.
product-namefalseThe asset product name.
product-versionfalseThe aset product version.
rack-numberfalseThe number used to identify a specific rack or shelve where the asset is located.
roomfalseThe room number where the asset is located.
sensitivityfalseNeeds description.
soft-assetsfalseA list of software assets installed or registered to the asset. Definition
statefalseThe state were the asset is located.
vendorfalseThe vendor or manufacturer of the asset.
zipcodefalseThe zip code of the city where the asset is located.

Object type: asset-event-data
An Asset Event Data object contains event information required to search for assets in the system such as host names, IP addresses as well as event IDs and event times.
customer-namefalseSearch for assets from a specific customer.
dhnfalseSearch for assets containing the given target host name event field value.
dipfalseSearch for assets containing the given target IP event field value.
shnfalseSearch for assets containing the given source host name event field value.
sipfalseSearch for assets containing the given source IP event field value.
timefalseUsed to find assets associated with a given event ID and time.
uuidfalseUsed to find assets associated with a given event ID and time.

Response Data

Object type:
The metadata representation of the newly-created asset-data-container object, including the URL reference to the new object.
metaThe metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object. Definition
Object type: meta
The metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object.
@hrefThe URL reference to the object.
typeThe name of the object type
Object type: asset-data
An Asset Data object contains identification and location information about an enterprise assets.
address-line1The primary address of the asset.
address-line2The secondary address of the asset, such as a suite or appartment number.
asset-categoryThe category or grouping for the asset. Must be one of the values from the asset category table. Default values include: "UNKNOWN", "DESKTOP", "OS". "SERVICE".
asset-nameThe human readable name given to the asset.
asset-valueThe monitary or relative value assigned to the asset.
buildingThe building where the asset is located.
cityThe city were the asset is located.
contactsA contact or responsible party list for the asset. Definition
countryThe country where the asset is located.
criticalityA value indicating how critical the asset is in the enterprise.
customer-idA unique ID assigned to a specific customer. For example an MSSP will assign their customers a unique ID.
hostnameThe host name assigned to the asset.
ipThe IP address assigned to the asset.
ip-addressesA list of IP addresses assigned to the asset. Definition
mac-addressThe MAC Address of the asset.
product-nameThe asset product name.
product-versionThe aset product version.
rack-numberThe number used to identify a specific rack or shelve where the asset is located.
roomThe room number where the asset is located.
sensitivityNeeds description.
soft-assetsA list of software assets installed or registered to the asset. Definition
stateThe state were the asset is located.
vendorThe vendor or manufacturer of the asset.
zipcodeThe zip code of the city where the asset is located.
Object type: asset-event-data
An Asset Event Data object contains event information required to search for assets in the system such as host names, IP addresses as well as event IDs and event times.
customer-nameSearch for assets from a specific customer.
dhnSearch for assets containing the given target host name event field value.
dipSearch for assets containing the given target IP event field value.
shnSearch for assets containing the given source host name event field value.
sipSearch for assets containing the given source IP event field value.
timeUsed to find assets associated with a given event ID and time.
uuidUsed to find assets associated with a given event ID and time.

Sample Request

         "asset-name":"HR Server1",
         "address-line1":"1800 North Place",
         "address-line2":"Suite 22",
               "product-name":"Windows 7",
               "name":"Windows 7",
               "name":"Joe Smith",
               "role":"IT Manager",
         "customer-name":"Company A",
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 201