Data Sync - Get Database Platforms


Supported Methods


This gets all of the currently supported database platforms.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats


URL Parameters


Success Codes

Fault Codes

Response Data

Object type: Database platforms
Supported database platforms
DBPlatformInfoThis is an array of <B>&lt;DB Platform Info&gt;</B> objects. See below for a description of fields in DB Platform Info objects.

Response Data

Object type: Database platform fields
Details on the supported database platform
allowExternalThis is a boolean value that specifies whether this platform can be used for external data sync policies.
ConnProperties This is a nested JSON object that contains the connection properties for this database platform. Note that it contains a single internal field <B>connProperty</B> that is an array of <B>&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;</B> objects. See below for description of fields in DB Platform Property objects. Connection properties are used when creating connections to databases of this type.
displayNameThis is the English display name that will be used in displaying the platform name. It is only used if there is no other localized name to use.
idThis is an identifier that identifies the DB platform.
JdbcProperties This is a nested JSON object that contains the JDBC properties for this database platform. Note that it contains a single internal field <B>jdbcProperty</B> that is an array of <B>&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;</B> objects. See below for description of fields in DB Platform Property objects. JDBC properties are used when creating connections to databases of this type.
maxSupportedMajorVersionThis is the maximum major version supported for the database platform. A value of 2147483647 (Integer.MAX_VALUE) indicates that there is no upper limit on supported major versions.
maxSupportedMinorVersionThis is the maximum minor version supported for the requested database platform. A value of 2147483647 (Integer.MAX_VALUE) indicates that there is no upper limit on supported minor versions.
minSupportedMajorVersionThis is the minimum major version supported for the database platform.
minSupportedMinorVersionThis is the minimum minor version supported for the database platform.
MiscPropertiesThis is a nested JSON object that contains miscellaneous properties for this database platform. Note that it contains a single internal field <B>miscProperty</B> that is an array of <B>&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;</B> objects. See below for description of fields in DB Platform Property objects. Miscellaneous properties are informational. They may be used for presenting information about the platform, but they are not used for connecting to databases of this type.
supportedProductNameThis is the supported product name for the database platform.

Response Data

Object type: Database platform field properties
Additional details on the database platform
propertyNameThis is the name of the property.
propertyValueThis is the value of the property.

Sample Request

GET /datasync/dbplatforms
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
{&#10;      "DBPlatformInfo": [{&lt;DB Platform Info&gt;},{&lt;DB Platform Info&gt;}...]&#10;}&#10;DB Platform Info Fields&#10;{&#10;   "id": "oracle11g",&#10;   "displayName": "Oracle 11G",&#10;   "allowExternal": "true",&#10;   "supportedProductName": "Oracle",&#10;   "minSupportedMajorVersion": "11",&#10;   "minSupportedMinorVersion": "0",&#10;   "maxSupportedMajorVersion": "11",&#10;   "maxSupportedMinorVersion": "2147483647",&#10;   "JdbcProperties": { "jdbcProperty": [{&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;},{&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;}...]},&#10;   "ConnProperties": { "connProperty": [{&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;},{&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;}...]},&#10;   "MiscProperties": { "miscProperty": [{&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;},{&lt;DB Platform Property&gt;}...]}&#10;}&#10;DB Platform Property Fields&#10;{&#10;   "propertyName": "ssloff",&#10;   "propertyValue": "true"&#10;}&#10;