Data Sync - Get Extended Data Sync Status


Supported Methods


This gets the extended sync status for a data sync policy.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats


URL Parameters


Success Codes

Fault Codes

Response Data

Object type: Data sync extended status
This is the extended sync status for a data sync policy.
completedToPartitionAll partitions with partition numbers that are less than or equal to this number have completed syncing.
eventsProcessedThis is the number of events that matched the policy's filter criteria since first starting to sync or since the last resync.
eventsReadThis is the total number of events that have been read through since first starting to sync or since the last resync.
latestEventTimeThis is the time of the latest event read while syncing. It is specified in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 (UTC). NOTE: This does NOT mean that ALL events prior to this date/time have been synced. Events with earlier times may still be read and synced.
recordsAddedThis is the number of records (rows) that have been inserted into the destination table since first starting to sync or since the last resync.
startDateTimeThis is the number of record updates that have been done in the destination table since first starting to sync or since the last resync. NOTE: This number is only set for data sync policies that do summaries.
stateThis is the current state of the sync thread. 0=Initializing, 1=Outside of Schedule, 2=Syncing, 3=Shut Down
threadStartTimeThis is the time that the data sync thread started. It is specified in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 (UTC). If there is no thread running, this field will not be present.
totalRecordUpdatesA flag indicating whether the table is partitioned. NOTE: This only applies to data sync policies that sync data to the internal Postgres database.
totalRecordUpdatesThis is the time that the data sync has synced to. It is specified in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 (UTC). NOTE: A value of -1 indicates that no syncing has occurred yet.

Sample Request

GET /status/102B21D0-BE9B-102D-83DB-001A6B6D3CF6
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
"threadStartTime": "1288177578000",{
"state": "2",{
"totalQueries": "3",{
"eventsProcessed": "300",{
"lateEventsProcessed": "0",{
"recordsAdded": "300",{
"totalRecordUpdates": "0",{
"startDateTime": "1288177541000",{
"syncedToDateTime": "1288177582000",{