Reporting - List Report Definitions


Supported Methods


This report lists reports known to the system. This list can be sorted, filtered, and have a from/to specified.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

URL Parameters


filterDisplayName List 'contains ignore case' filter on DisplayName, when occurring in URL multiple times, the filter strings are ANDed together
filterDescription List 'contains ignore case' filter on Description, when occurring in URL multiple times, the filter strings are ANDed together
filterTags List 'contains ignore case' filter on Tags, when occurring in URL multiple times, the filter strings are ANDed together


ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
sortBy String DisplayName The column to sort by. Valid values: DisplayName, Description, Tags.
sortOrder String ASC The sort order. Valid values: ASC or DESC
idxFrom int 0 The starting row index. 0 is the first.
idxTo int 2147483647 The ending row index, inclusive.

Success Codes

Fault Codes

Sample Request

GET /rpt/definitions?SortBy=DisplayName,sortOrder=ASC,idxFrom=0,idxTo=100
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
{ "TotalSize":2, "Definitions":[
{"GUID":"myResource1", "DisplayName":"My Resource 1", "Description":"My Resource 1 Description", "Tags":["resource"], "Link":"/acme/rpt/definitions/myResource1"},
{"GUID":"myResource2", "DisplayName":"My Resource 2", "Description":"My Resource 2 Description", "Tags":["resource"], "Link":"/acme/rpt/definitions/myResource2"}] }

Sample Request

GET /rpt/definitions?filterDescription=2
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
{ "TotalSize":1, "Definitions":[
{"GUID":"myResource2", "DisplayName":"My Resource 2", "Description":"My Resource 2 Description", "Tags":["resource"], "Link":"/acme/rpt/definitions/myResource2"}] }

Sample Request

GET /rpt/definitions?sortBy=DisplayName,sortOrder=ASCENDING,idxFrom=0,idxTo=100
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
{"Fault":{ "Code":{"Value":"Sender", "Subcode":{"Value":"InvalidOrderBy"} },
"Reason":{"Text":"Invalid sortOrder url parameter specified: ASCENDING. Valid values are ASC, DESC"} } }