
Asynchronously searches the directory using LDAP client or server controls.

LDAP Version:v3
NDS Version:7.xx or higher
Platform:NLM, Windows (NT, 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista 32-bit and 64-bit ), Linux (32-bit and 64-bit), Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX


  #include <ldap.h>
  int ldap_search_ext (
     LDAP             *ld,
     const char       *base,
     int               scope,
     const char       *filter,
     char            **attrs,
     int               attrsonly,
     LDAPControl     **serverctrls,
     LDAPControl     **clientctrls,
     struct timeval   *timeout,
     int               sizelimit,
     int               *msgidp);



(IN) Points to the handle for the LDAP session.


(IN) Points to the distinguished name of the entry from which to start the search.


(IN) Specifies the scope of the search and uses one of the following flags:

  • LDAP_SCOPE_BASE (0x00)—searches the entry specified by the base parameter.

  • LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL (0x01)—searches the immediate subordinates of the entry specified by the base parameter.

  • LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE (0x02)—searches the entire subtree starting with the entry specified by the base parameter.


(IN) Points to a search filter.

If NULL is passed, a default filter ("objectclass=*") is used, a filter which matches all entries in the directory. Using a NULL filter is not recommended for subtree searches on trees that potentially have hundreds of thousands of entries.

Simple filters take the form of strings: attribute name=attribute value. For more complex filters, see Using Search Filters.


(IN) Points to a NULL-terminated array of strings indicating which attributes to return with each matching entry. To return only entry names (and no attributes), set the first, and only string in the array, to LDAP_NO_ATTRS. To return all attributes, set this parameter to NULL.

For example, to return the cn, surname, and givenName attributes, declare attrs as: char* attrs[]={"cn", "surname", "givenName", NULL};


(IN) Specifies whether to return just attributes or attributes and values.

  • Zero—return both attributes and values

  • Non-zero—return only attributes


(IN) Points to an array of LDAPControl structures that list the server controls to use with the search. Use NULL to specify no server controls.


(IN) Points to an array of LDAPControl structures that list the client controls to use with the search. Use NULL to specify no client controls.


(IN) Points to a timeval structure that specifies the maximum time to wait for the results of a search to complete. It specifies both the time the server waits for the operation to complete as well as the time the local function waits for the server to respond. If the timeout parameter is set to NULL, the client timeout is infinite and the server uses the timeout value stored in the session handle option, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT (whose default value is no timeout). For more information about possible values, see timeval.


(IN) Specifies the maximum number of entries to return.

  • To specify no limit, pass LDAP_NO_LIMIT (0).

  • To use the current value in the LDAP session handle (the LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT option), pass LDAP_DEFAULT_SIZELIMIT (-1).


(OUT) Points to the message ID of the request if the search request succeeds.

Return Values




Failure. For a complete list, see LDAP Return Codes.








The LDAP_OPT_DEREF option in the LDAP session handle affects how aliases are handled during the search.

  • The LDAP_DEREF_FINDING value means aliases are dereferenced when locating the base object but not during the search.

  • The LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING value means aliases are dereferenced during the search but not when locating the base object of the search.

eDirectory supports two server controls:

  • Server-side sorting—1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

  • Virtual list views—2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

To obtain the results of the operation, call the ldap_result function using the message ID returned to the ldap_search_ext function.

Server timeouts and size limits for this function are set using the LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT and LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT options on the LDAP handle. Client timeouts and size limits are set using the timeout and sizelimit parameters.

For sample code, see searchas.c.

See Also

ldap_search, ldap_search_st