5.5 Customizing Plug-Ins Created with the Plug-In Studio

Sometimes you need a plug-in with more functionality than the Plug-In Studio can provide. In this situation you can use the Plug-In Studio to build most of the user interface needed, then add additional features by writing custom Java code.

The following code shows how to customize a task:

 public class MyCustomTask extends eDirAccessService
    protected boolean preRead(TaskContext context, Properties resultStrings)
       // do work here
       return true;
    protected boolean postRead(TaskContext context, Properties resultStrings)
       // do work here
       return true;
    protected boolean preWrite(TaskContext context, Properties resultStrings)
       // do work here
       return true;
    protected boolean postWrite(TaskContext context, Properties resultStrings)
       // do work here
       return true;

To customize a page, use the following example:

 public MyCustomPage extends DirPropertyBookPage
    public void cache(PropertyPageContext context) throws PageException
       // work here
       save(context, context.getResultStrings());
       // or work here
    public void show(PropertyPageContext context) throws PageException
       show(context, context.getResultStrings());

After your Java code is compiled and placed in the classpath (in the classes directory or in the lib directory in a JAR file), you must update the plug-in to point to your Java class instead of the default one that the Plug-in Studio assigns. For a task, this is done by modifying the rbsTask object in eDirectory. Change the entry point attribute to the fully qualified name of your class. For a property page, edit the plug-in XML file in the custom/plug-ins directory. Change the entry-point element to the fully qualified class name.

5.5.1 Dynamically Updating Drop-down Lists

It is possible to dynamically fill a drop-down list for plug-ins developed with Plug-in Studio, and other custom plug-ins. However, it is not possible to do this for base content plug-ins. The following example shows one way this can be done:

In your task, include Java code such as the following:

 properties.put("Sch_ClassList.count" , size);
 for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
       properties.put("Sch_ClassList.name." + i, str[0]);

Then, in the JSP file you could display the dynamic dropdown list as follows:

 <select name="AvailableClasses" size=10 style="WIDTH: 340px" >
    <% c.set("i", "0");
    while (c.lt(c.var("i"), c.var("Sch_ClassList.count")))
    { %>
       <option value="<%= c.var("Sch_ClassList.name."+c.var("i")) %>
       <% c.inc("i");
    } %>

The Plug-In Studio creates JSPs in webapps/nps/portal/modules/custom/skins/default/devices/default.