10.2 Providing Translated Names for New Object Classes and Attributes

  1. Create a Java resource bundle with the translations of the object class and attributes. Prefix object class keys with ObjectType and attributes with Attribute. Replace non-alphanumeric characters in the keys to underscores. For example:

     ObjectType.AFP_Server=AFP Server
     ObjectType.NLS_Product_Container=License Product Container
     ObjectType.NLS_License_Certificate=License Certificate
     ObjectType.NLS_License_Server=License Service Provider
     Attribute.CN=Common name
     Attribute.Full_Name=Full name
  2. Copy the resource bundle to SDK_HOME/tomcat/webapps/nps/WEB-INF/classes or include the resource bundle in a JAR file and copy the JAR file to SDK_HOME/tomcat/webapps/nps/WEB-INF/lib.

  3. Create a plug-in XML file in the portal/modules/modulename/plugins directory and add a <dir-translator> section. The following example shows the <dir-translator> section that registers several object classes and attributes:

       <object-type-name>AFP Server</object-type-name>
       <object-type-name>NLS:Product Container</object-type-name>
       <object-type-name>NLS:License Certificate</object-type-name>
       <object-type-name>NLS:License Server</object-type-name>
       <attribute-name>Full Name</attribute-name>