Login Script

Contains the object’s login script.

NDS Operational:Yes




Used In


For help in understanding the attribute definition template, see Reading NDS Attribute Type Definitions.

For the Profile class, the Login Script attribute is mandatory.

The Login Script attribute contains the login script for Organization and Organization Unit containers. When a user logs in, the LOGIN program searches one level above (to either the Organization or Organizational Unit) and runs its script. The LOGIN program then runs the specified profile script (if any) and the user’s login script (if any).

If a login script has been created for a group, the group login script is executed only if it is called from either the container or the profile login script.

For LDAP clients to access this attribute, the LDAP server must be configured to map the attribute to a name without spaces or colons. The LDAP server in NDS eDirectory supports the Stream syntax.