Partition Status

Provides information on the success or failure of the last synchronization cycle.

NDS Operational:Yes




Used In


For help in understanding the attribute definition template, see Reading NDS Attribute Type Definitions.

For LDAP clients to access this attribute, the LDAP server must be configured to map the attribute to a name without spaces or colons. The LDAP server in NDS eDirectory supports the Octet String syntax.

To decode the data part of the octet string, you can use the following structure:

nuint32 version (0)
nuint32 flags (0: local error; 1: remote error; 2: in sync)
nuint32 syncTime
nuint32 replicaNumber (0: reserved)
nuint32 error (0: success)
nuint32 reserved
nuint32 serverNameLength
unicode serverName[MAX_DN_CHARS]
nuint32 reserved[..]