4.6 Getting and Setting the Iterator's Position: Example

  /* itrpos.c 
     Example of NDS 8 Iterator GetPosition and SetPosition calls. 
  #include <stdio.h> 
  #include <stdlib.h> 
  #include <nwnet.h> 
  #include <nwcalls.h> 
  void main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
     NWDSContextHandle context =
     nstr8         strAbbreviatedName[MAX_DN_CHARS+1]; 
     NWDSCCODE     ccode; 
     nuint32       flags; 
     nuint32       iter=0; 
     nint32        iterHandle = -1; 
     nuint32        timeout = 0;     /* Timeout=0 means no time limit. */ 
     nuint32       pos; 
  /* Check arguments */ 
     if(argc != 2) 
        printf("\nUsage:    itrpos  <base object>"); 
        printf("\nExample:  itrpos  myou.myorg"); 
     /* Initialize NWCalls and unicode tables */ 
     ccode = NWCallsInit(NULL,NULL); 
        if(ccode) exit(1); 
     /* Create NDS Context */ 
     ccode = NWDSCreateContextHandle(&context); 
     if(ccode) exit(1); 
     /* Set flags to get object names in typeless format. */ 
     NWDSGetContext(context, DCK_FLAGS, &flags); 
     flags |= DCV_TYPELESS_NAMES; 
     NWDSSetContext(context, DCK_FLAGS, &flags); 
     printf("itrpos:   Sample program for NDS 8 NWDSItrGet/
     printf("Container:    %s\n",   argv[1]); 
     /* Convert the directory name (passed in as first arg) to its 
        shortest form relative to the name context */ 
     ccode = NWDSAbbreviateName(context, argv[1], strAbbreviatedName); 
     if(ccode) goto error; 
     /* ———— Create the Iterator ————- */ 
     ccode = NWDSItrCreateList( 
                   context,              /* context for this search */ 
                   strAbbreviatedName,   /* container to search     */ 
                   NULL,                 /* class name filter       */ 
                   NULL,                 /* subordinate name filter */ 
                   DS_ITR_ANY_SERVER,    /* scalability requirement */ 
                   timeout,              /* 0 = no timeout          */ 
                   &iter);               /* returned Iterator ptr   */ 
     if (ccode) 
        goto error; 
     /* Do several Get and SetPosition calls.  Iterator positions are
        always "logical positions" in the range 0-1001.  Special 
        symbols defined: 
           DS_ITR_FIRST = 0 
           DS_ITR_LAST  = 1000 
           DS_ITR_EOF   = 1001 
     /* Initial position should be 0.  If list is empty, 
        position will be 1001 (EOF). */ 
     printf("\nInitial position is:  "); 
     ccode = NWDSItrGetPosition(iter, &pos, timeout); 
     if (ccode == ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) 
        printf(" *** Iterator not positionable.\n"); 
     else if (ccode) 
        goto error; 
     printf("Setting position 500.\n"); 
     ccode = NWDSItrSetPosition(iter, 500, timeout); 
     if (ccode == ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) 
        printf("  *** Iterator not positionable.\n"); 
     else if (ccode) 
        goto error; 
     printf("Current position is now:  "); 
     ccode = NWDSItrGetPosition(iter, &pos, timeout); 
     if (ccode == ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) 
        printf(" *** Iterator not positionable.\n"); 
     else if (ccode) 
        goto error; 
     /* You should always be able to set positions 0, 1000, and 1001, 
        even if the iterator is not positionable. */ 
     printf("Setting position 1000.\n"); 
     ccode = NWDSItrSetPosition(iter, DS_ITR_LAST, timeout); 
     if (ccode) goto error; 
     printf("Current position is now:  "); 
     ccode = NWDSItrGetPosition(iter, &pos, timeout); 
     if (ccode == ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) 
        printf(" *** Iterator not positionable.\n"); 
     else if (ccode) 
        goto error; 
  /* Clean up, normal or error termination. */ 
     printf("\n\nccode = %d.",ccode); 
     if (iter) 
        NWDSItrDestroy(iter);      /* Destroy the Iterator when done. */ 